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John's: Mortimer Street
W1 |
These are the best of the classic cafes
left standing largely unharmed in London. Note that most keep
odd early closing times at the weekends - and often during the
week for that matter. Few open more than a couple of hours on
Saturdays. In the long-term all are under threat. Catch 'em now
whilst they're still standing.
Click here > for an at-a-glance Top Ten cafe guide.
Click here > for Central London
Click here > for the abbreviated No. 8 bus London
Caff Tour.
Also, here's the full unexpurgated
London Cafe Tour
that was put together for Architecture Week 17-26 June 2005...

Central ceiling detail, Bernard St WC1
Cafe [Peterborough Road, Parson's Green SW6] NEW
'Situated in a
chi-chi part of Parson's Green yards from the UK headquarters
of Starbucks it resembles a transport cafe - which must seriously
annoy most of the locals! Internally the place has some old-style
features such as the grey and white Formica-topped tables, old
wooden chairs with leatherette seat-covering, and pine-effect
wall-panelling. The counter has a small glass display, and there's
a original caff hot-water dispenser. The net curtains, ceiling-fan
and menu-display handwritten in felt-tip pen complete the scene.
Fight fans will appreciate the display of early to mid 80's boxing
match posters.' (Patrick Turland)
7 Cafe [Oxford Road near Upper Richmond Road SW15] NEW
'Near Pete's Mini-
Bar... been here since the mid 60's at least and used to be the
stables for the building now housing Domino Pizza! It has a great
plastic external sign saying Transport Cafe which looks like
a 60s original. Internally, the wooden panelling of the former
stable is still discernable. Seating is provided by what looks
like wooden Thonet chairs, painted red. The tables are of a fairly
recent pine type, covered with plastic red and white check table
cloths. Net curtains complete the feeling of a snug bolt-hole.
Opening hours are 7am-2pm, Monday to Friday, 8pm to 2pm on Saturday.
Cheap all day breakfasts are a speciality... "(Patrick Turland)
Mini Bar [Upper Richmond Road SW15] NEW
'Yellow Formica,
classic seating... come out of East Putney Tube, turn left and
walk 50
yards, it's across the road on the right. I love the place.'
(Anthony Abdool) "Anyone interested in visiting Pete's should
get there double pronto. A Caffe Nero opened up a few yards away
in October. This probably undermined trade to a degree, but to
add insult to injury, a branch of Subway, the god awful, American
sandwich-chain, opened next to Caffe Nero, just before Xmas.
I can't see how Pete's can survive for long against the forces
of homogenisation. Hopefully, the Double 7 Cafe round
the corner in Oxford Road, can withstand the corporate onslaught,
but I wouldn't bet on it." (Patrick Turland)
Cafe & Snack Bar [Brixton Road near Prima Road SW9] NEW
'A classic, traditional
Italian-owned cafe in one of South London's grittier neighbourhoods.
Black leatherette settee-style seats, worn Formica-topped tables,
Formica wall-panelling. A Formica-topped counter (with pine-effect
front) plus traditional glass display cabinet. Wooden slat false-ceiling.
An original mosaic-tiled shop front, old Pepsi sign, net curtains
and Drury tea sign. The impressive reproduction Victorian wall-mural
is a feast for the eyes. Also: colour photos of Italian landscapes,
signed photos of Victoria Wood, Warren Mitchell (as Alf Garnett),
and one of The Bill detectives!' (Patrick Turland)
Cafe [Coldharbour Lane near Loughborough Road SW9] NEW
'For die-hard,
classic-caff enthusiasts only, being located in what was, until
recently, one of the UK's most violent neighbourhoods. The owner,
an amiable Italian lady, stoically informed me that: "I've
been here 36 years, it's not so bad now". This austere,
utilitarian place sports a faded Pepsi sign and net curtains.
Seating is provided by a mixture of metal tubular-frame and wooden-seat
chairs, reminiscent of 1960's ILEA classroom-furniture, a more
aesthetically pleasing couple of Thonet-style chairs, and an
old window bench-seat covered with frazzled caramel-coloured
leatherette. The wooden tables are topped with worn beige Formica,
save for the sole red Formica table next to the Formica counter.
The small glass counter-display, handwritten menu and metal hot-water
spout complete the ensemble. A souvenir life-belt bearing the
legend Barny's Cafe Iberia 1961 might be a clue as to the caff's
history.' (Patrick Turland)
Snack Bar/Ice Cream Bar [35 Shenley Road, Borehamwood WD6] NEW
Mr Seb Brennan
writes: "It's about 100 yds from Elstree and Borehamwood
station and is a cracker. All that's left of their 1950s cornet-based
empire is this double fronted cafe on Shenley Road: nice facia,
leatherette banquettes. Maybe when it gets knocked down to make
way for a Chicken Cottage the nice people at BBC Elstree can
cart the remains round the corner and re-erect it in Walford."
Tonibell was started in 1937 by Italian-born
Toni Pignatelli and his Scottish wife. Known as Tonis, it consisted
of a small ice-cream manufacturing plant in a shop in High Street,
Burnt Oak, Middlesex. The products were sold to the public from
the shop window. Twelve years later the couple's son Ronald,
who had changed his name to Peters, joined the business. The
name Tonis was changed to Tonibell in 1960 because competitors
began using Tonis name and colours. All vehicles were painted
blue, and Tonibell's cow symbol made its debut with a new jingle
that was specially written for the chimes. In 1969, when Lyons
bought the company, Tonibell had eighteen depots and four franchise
depots covering the whole country. The business was, essentially
a franchise operation and 500 vans were involved in taking ice-cream
to housing estates and other high density areas. In addition
they had 15 ice-cream parlours, mainly in the London area, and
again operated under franchise arrangements.
[Uxbridge Metropolitan Line tube station] NEW
'Frank's has been
owned for almost 40 years by Frank and Ganni Costa. Refurbished
in the 60s, it looks its best in the early morning, as sunlight
filters in through the high windows, illuminating the rising
cigarette smoke. The cafe retains its ranks of Formica tables
and red leatherette chairs but resist the temptation to follow
the smoke up to the refurbished ceiling - the cafe's principal
architectural abomination. Frank's offers both authentic workman's
cafe food as well as some more distinctively Italian items and,
overall, represents a refreshing antidote to the town's otherwise
soulless, aspirational makeover.' (Jonathan Hourigan) ... 'a
great example of inter-war LT architecture. This is a fantastic
place, with all the feel of a great local cafe. Looks like it
was refitted in the 80s, rather than the 60s. It's part of a
small chain of Frank's, with branches in Great Titchfield St
and Mortimer St. The Uxbridge branch has similar marble-effect
wall tiling to its two central London cousins, and a good set
of red-leatherette seats, on metal-frames with attached tables.
Seats probably date from a later period than the 50s or 60s;
tables look 80s in style. The wooden doors look seem to date
from an earlier period.' (Patrick Turland)
Linda [Golders Green station NW11. NEW
"a bright,
busy mod/espresso type of place, watch the Routemasters chugging
off up west from canary yellow Formica counter..." (Antony
Out, St. Albans Lane NW11] NEW
Famous bikers'
hangout thru the 50s. One of the most hidden away obscure cafes
in London. Still has some original fittings, and plenty of grimy
Bonbonniere [Woodstock Street W1] NEW
Exceedingly central
(just opposite Debenhams) this has a somewhat offputting neon
sign but the interior has the feel of some sort of large Sorrentine
ice-cream parlour with a big tiled sea-faring mural at the very
back of a sizeable floorspace. More of a restaurant than cafe,
it's really the spaciousness and seried ranks of nut brown tables
and chairs (and pretty wall lamps) which make the Bonbonniere
such a comfort zone. There's a touch of the curtain-twitchers
about this one which we like, but a draconian 'minimum charge'
policy and punitive 'no cheques or credit card payments under
£10' rule puts it beyond the true caff pale. A pity - this
place has real potential and a sense of history. (A pleasing
sister eaterie used to exist many years ago in Carnaby Street,
but has since been brutally Starbucked.)
[Hackney Road E2] NEW
'An austere plain-style
cafe, with what looks like an original wooden blue-painted fascia/signboard
with white lettering. Wooden chairs with leatherette seat covering,
wooden Formica-topped tables, pinewood-effect wall panelling.
There's a Formica-topped counter, and old-style hot-water dispenser.
The brown and dun floor tiles, and cream and brown-mottled lino
look original. The blue-painted wooden shelves are an interesting
feature. Unfortunately, judging by the sparse lunchtime trade,
this cafe looks like it's on a downward slide to extinction.'
(Patrick Turland)
Bar Central [4 Bernard
St WC1] NEW 
Almost next to Russell Sq tube this quality caff is joined to
a pleasant old trattoria and looks as though it's part of the
same business. A pleasing exterior gives little indication of
the magnificent suspended moderne ceiling work here which is
reminiscent of the Morelli in Broadstairs. Six good leatherette
booths make up the seating, and the counter gubbins easily passes
muster. A smart little local place, off the beaten track but
handy for the Renoir art cinema and Skoob books in the brutalist
maze of the Russell flat complex opposite. Incidentally, what
was once a fine and extensive caramel covered burger joint in
the complex has now vanished and the odd kebab house with a vaguely
LA diner interior adjacent to the cinema has now also been comprehensively
refitted and ruined though some attractive seating remains. Quite
close by is one of the most amazing and expansive deco buildings
in London - once a garage and now the headquarters of a London
ad agency.
Kitchen [Lendal Terrace SW4] NEW

The cafe Bob and Pete
from St Etienne used to go to en route to their studio circa
'91. On Lendal Terrace under the railway arches: faded Pepsi
sign; giant sixties "cute kids" murals on the back
walls; old red plastic sign above the counter featuring a dinky
chef graphic; decent pendant lighting, wooded walls and rows
of scruffy leatherette booths and good Formica tables. Always
ho, steamy and packed to the gills. Probably the best railway
arch caff left in London. Incredibly cheap prices too.
Mario's [Clapham High
Street SW4]
Little corridor
cafe with excellent Formica purple/brown tables.
Mama's [Waterloo Rd

On the main road at the Elephant & Castle end of Waterloo
Rd. Great little find with interesting grey high backed booths,
good counter and authentic layout. Unusual formica tables. A
very useful local cafe.
Maria's [Grafton Way

A highly appreciated find in the ever-interesting Fitzrovia area
behind Warren St. This has a truly sumptuous orange and yellow
vitrolite exterior with deco metal trimming all over! A total
seaside surprise sitting on a dusty corner. Within - despite
the small space - there are two good gingham covered tables and
excellent minimalist 60s leatherette & metal chairs - and
some lesser stools hanging along the windows. A chalet style
beamed ceiling finishes off the package with great aplomb. Large
menus hang everywhere and the place is bursting with Italian
vivacity. The sign above the awnings is a trusty Helvetica job
but for the breezy frontage alone this has go to be worth patronizing
on a regular basis. A really splendid bijou local caff. Every
godawful new 'Benjys' sandwich bar should be forced to model
itself on Maria's and then London could hold its head high!
Anwar's [Grafton Way
W1] RIP 2002
Right next to Maria's is this great,
dowdy Indian restaurant/cafe full of cod asiatic-exotica, worn
tables [and staff!] with big lush rainforest-sized plants filling
the windows. With its canteen feel, the Anwar scores in the open-late-7-days-a-week
department and also in the moribund interior stakes. Take your
own drink. Very good indeed.
Tasty Cafe [St John St
Useful little place just off Smithfield
market quite close to Butts' cafe. Great awning and exterior
full of fine brown chairs and unspectacular tables. Lots of dark
formica lower-wall surrounds but rather spoilt by chintzy ceiling
cornice border prints and nasty revolving fans. An interesting
crop of pix and photos on the walls with a smattering of Italian
tourist posters - always a good sign. A good stablemate with
Beppe's gaffe just across the market square.
Fish Bar [Roman Rd E2] NEW
Good looking chippy with powder
blue formica counter and odd orange high-back pew booths for
launching into the fish suppers. Nice fish motif on the signeage.
Situated at the Bethnal Green end of 'the roman' opposite an
extensive hell-hole estate, there are a number of useful little
shops dotted around that look relatively unscathed. Eyecatching
electrical firm 'Humphrey's Repairs' has premises close by and
there is a good pie n' mash shop nearby on the other side of
the road. [Don't miss the amazing Bethnal green library by the
tube - a Victorian cracker.]
John's Sandwich Bar [Mortimer
St W1] NEW
Just when you think you've spotted them all another little place
leaps out at you. Initially this seems like just another crap
Soho-fringes sandwich bar but look in closer - the menu looks
good, the sign is inviting and there's a cluster of frayed booth
seats at the back. Hoorah! Inside we find an unusual dark patterned
counter, odd hessian wall coverings, top service in crypto Italiano/cod-Spanish,
interesting false ceiling units and - for the caff anoraks -
the very same elegant patterned cup n' saucer sets as the mighty
Alpino, except in light green rather than dark plum. Ungawa!
A welcome space in this welcome little area away from the main
tourist drag. Old Fitzrovia still has some surprises. "John's
has been here as long as I can remember. It has seen off many
a pretender on the corner of Mortimer Street. Obviously the two
helpers (John is the amiable plump looking fella) weren't up
to their womanzing ways when you were in there. If only I had
their chat up lines. 'Whatta you wan' blondie', is one of their
many gems. They also say comic things like (and I've heard this
in many Italian cafes) '£5 cash for the full English'.
It's bloody marvellous they have stayed the course as nearby
Charlotte Street is full of wanky Starbucks and Soup Kitchens
frequented by twat media types gabbing into their Nokios. You
do really use the will to live when you see what they are doing
to a marvellous place like Fitzrovia. The late Julian Macclaren-Ross
would be spiralling down to the Antipodies if he knew."
(David Fogarty)
Bertaux [Greek Street W1]
130 year old patisserie cum cafe with a rickety
upstairs room that looks like an old dairy annex: wood seats
and tables and a delightful selection of cakes and pastries.
Unpretentious and authentic little patisserie sited between a
strip club and an old pub. A simple interior and rudimentary
Lincrusta-lined decor lends it a traditional French charm and
paysan appeal. The window is impeccably adorned with glorious
freshly made gateaux, flans, patisseries and delicate confiseries.
It has the appearance of a totally authentic French patisserie
and there is certainly nothing false about the freshly made cream
cakes or the rather eccentric and incredibly camp staff. "I
like Maison Bertaux because it's not a chain, and it's nice and
scruffy. You need a degree of grubbiness in a good cafe. I go
to places like this when I haven't had breakfast, I've forgotten
lunch, it's nearly dinnertime and I am about to fall over because
my blood sugar is down to my knees. Whenever there has been some
kind of temperance movement, there's been tearooms. Kate Cranston
had the Willow Tea Rooms, which were designed by Charles Rennie
Mackintosh, but that scene died out... This is a proper old-fashioned
cafe... I used to hang out with loads of people who didn't have
jobs, so we nursed the routine." (A L Kennedy, Observer,
March 13 2005)
Vukelic [Uxbridge Rd
W12] RIP 2000
Possibly the most abject eaterie
in the capital [though there is a steak house in Camberwell in
which no customers have ever been sighted over a ten year period.]
Just down from the Empire, Vukelic is so run down from the outside
you think it must be a slum or bomb damaged. Only the filthy
menu stuck behind a greasy window gives the game away. Inside
this cavernous place are seried rows of white 70s chairs and
tables and the most dismal air. Two ladies manage the space and
no-one ever enters. The author once ordered a soup just for the
isolationist frisson of being able to boast entry, but the overwhelming
sadness of the place seeps into you. The decay and anomie are
tangible. Vukelic is like some sort of refugee centre in a bombed
out Polish suburb or a hell-hole Bratislavan Communist refectory.
Gormenghast for gourmands. Encounter at your peril.
Scoff's Eating House
[Kensington High Street W8]
A chalet-special
that's pretty well exactly as it was twenty five years ago. Low-lit,
ranged around with cod-Italiana, rows of cramped brown tables
and chairs and with the emphasis on a family trattoria feel.
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